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Achievement Standards Assessment: English - Comprehension Year 3


About This PDF

The assessments in this downloadable PDF resource are written to fully support implementation of the Literacy Achievement Standards for Year 3 Comprehension outlined in the new Australian curriculum V 9.0.

Every Achievement Standard covered in this resource is described in full, with the relevant ACARA code shown in each section of the test.

There are 36 assessment tests as well as four end of term tests. The assessments can be used in a number of ways:

  • Complete an assessment test each week for the whole class by distributing the test to each student.  
  • Select a test to match your classroom program.
  • Work with a small group who require support by sharing the reading of the questions, asking for oral answers or keenly observing student's progress.
  • Ask individual students to complete a test with teacher/ teacher aide assistance.

Product Details

Primary - Middle
Achievement Standards Assessment

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