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Assignments in Junior Science - Book 5 - Waves


About This PDF

This Junior Science series aims to provide teachers with innovative lessons across a variety of topics studied in science at the junior secondary level. This resource focuses on Waves and contains carefully graded worksheets suitable for students of all capabilities in Years 7-10.

This complex topic is broken down into discrete worksheets, each focusing on one aspect or application of waves. As students work through these activities, they will interpret and analyse data including texts, tables, graphs and diagrams; and organise and represent data in a variety of formats. They will also utilise basic scientific skills such as working with formulas, completing calculations, making generalisations and explaining what they discovered. 

The activities incorporate a range of theoretical and practical scientific skills, and also involves the development of literacy skills. Answers are provided to make marking of student work easy and time-efficient. 

Topics Include:

  • Concave mirrors and lenses
  • The electromagnetic spectrum
  • Types of waves
  • Speed of light and sound
  • A history of communication devices
  • Sending and receiving music by radio
  • Reflection and refraction
  • Colour
  • Hearing and sound ranges
  • Seeing and hearing
  • The history of the telescope

Product Details

Secondary - Junior
Secondary - Middle

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