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Blake's Learning Centres: Writing ImaginativeTexts LP


About This PDF

Blake’s Learning Centres are a wonderful motivating way for students to practise important skills. The 40 colourful cards in this resource provide comprehensive writing instruction for eight imaginative text types.

Each Text Card provides an engaging, levelled and illustrated text sample that is supported by three Activity Cards, five printable worksheets and a Graphic Organiser.

The lessons on the Activity Cards are divided as follows:

  • The Language Features Card shows a shorter extract of the text and enables the students to examine the role and purpose of grammar at the word, sentence and whole text level.
  • The Activity Card focuses on how the text meets the needs of purpose and audience, and the structural components of the text such as its layout and organisation, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
  • The Writing Card provides a number of different tasks for students to work on as an individual or with a partner. This may involve them writing a section of text or a whole, complete text.

Product Details

Primary - Lower
Blake's Learning Centres

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