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Instant Lessons - Problem Solving in Science - Book 2


About This PDF

This series helps students to become critical thinkers and independent, creative problem-solvers by stimulating student thinking beyond factual recall and procedural levels.

The activities engage students in higher order thinking, which involves the application, synthesis and evaluation of knowledge and skills. For example, students will not only be able to recognise Newton's laws, but will understand them and be able to apply them to solve new problems. 

Use the Instant Lessons to supplement your existing resources, to extend student capabilities, for revision purposes, or for class work when the regular teacher is absent.

Topics Include:

  • What a muddle - Sorting substances using their physical and chemical properties
  • Jacuzzi jigsaws - Making things happen using hydraulics and Pascal's Law
  • Domino disaster - Measuring things that happen using energy transfer
  • Bubble busters - Manipulating the surface tension of water using detergent
  • Getting a lift - The relationship between Newton's laws, gravity and collisions
  • Explosion control - Connecting jet engines, rockets and explosions
  • The truth is out there - A crime is a puzzle to be solved and scientific method is the plan
  • The value of volumes - Two things cannot be in the same place at the same time; measuring, ranking and calculating
  • How fast can you go? - Exploring the characteristics of chemical reactions
  • Zygoop - Fluids that obey Newton's rules and those that don't


Product Details

Secondary - Middle
Secondary - Senior
Instant Lessons

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