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Natural Maths Strategies - Book 3 - Upper Primary - Ages 9-11


About This PDF

The activities in this downloadable PDF resource provide starting points for three-part lessons that focus on the big ideas for teaching maths to 9 to 11-year-olds.

The maths curricula are divided into five strands: ­

  • Number (including Money) ­
  • Space
  • Measurement ­
  • Chance and Data ­
  • Patterns and Algebra

Based on world’s best practice! This series provides the core knowledge and understanding of the “big ideas” or concepts students require to become confident and enthusiastic maths users. This downloadable PDF resource is organised into twelve units of work based on the current research into the developmental sequence in which students generally acquire those concepts.

Each unit is divided into five sections:

  • Mental routines – 10-minute lesson starters with suggested closed and open questions designed to engage students and arouse their enthusiasm
  • Problematised situations – challenges that encourage students to work mathematically with open-ended “real-life” situations and construct their own ideas. These lessons include a reflection session where mathematical language is used to describe successful strategies and more formal methods are introduced and demonstrated.
  • Games – fun activities designed to reinforce the strategies developed in each unit.
  • Investigations –open-ended investigations to encourage students to test and extend their skills.
  • Assessment activities – consolidation activities that students should readily accomplish at the end of each unit.

The series encourages the use of readily available concrete materials and is supported by over 50 printable activity sheets and task cards.

Product Details

Primary - Upper
Natural Maths Strategies

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