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Targeting Text - Lower Primary - Book 3


About This PDF

The Targeting Text series develops students’ comprehension and writing skills using real texts as models, studying their particular features and scaffolding student's own writing with structured teaching units. Each text type is given comprehensive coverage with a clear descriptive overview followed by well-structured lessons that really motivate your students. All units are linked to outcomes-based assessment pages that help you plan the next step.

The three text types covered in this downloadable PDF resource for Lower Primary students are: Information Report, Explanation, and Discussion.

Each text type includes:

  • Overview including structure, purpose, audience and language features.
  • Background lessons including scaffolds and skills checklists.
  • Complete units including real texts followed by a range of blackline masters.
  • Teaching notes how to teach each lesson.
  • Assessment including an outcomes checklist.

Product Details

Primary - Lower
Targeting Text

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