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Instant Lessons in Textiles and Design - Book 4 - Design Concepts


About This PDF

The downloadable PDF resources 3 and 4 in the Instant Lessons in Textiles and Design series have been written to extend upon and compliment the downloadable PDF resources 1 and 2, in this best-selling series of printable lessons. This resource emphasises the key elements and language of the design process. It includes a number of challenging design projects and case studies that will help students to understand the design process in practice.

These units of study will assist students in exploring elements of the design process, reinforcing the theory in practice and challenging them to think carefully about their own design development techniques. Selected answers have been supplied to assist teachers to develop classroom discussion and for time-efficient marking.

Topics Include:

  • Numeracy and literacy skills
  • Common textiles language
  • Observation skills
  • Listening skills and asking good questions
  • Researching and sharing ideas
  • Visualising, brainstorming and finding sources of inspiration
  • Health and safety in the textiles industry
  • Indigenous textiles
  • Sustainable design
  • Practical design projects
  • Neoprene and wetsuit design
  • Evaluating designs


Product Details

Secondary - Junior
Technology & Design
Instant Lessons

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