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Instant Lessons - Maths in Event Management


About This PDF

This title contains a series of printable student work sheets which feature the application of mathematical knowledge and techniques to the planning, organising, managing and marketing of a range of events, from parties, dinners and weddings to art exhibitions and music festivals.

Event management is becoming an increasingly popular occupation because it allows people to be involved in a range of different projects. People are attracted by the range of skills that they will learn, such as marketing, communication, problem solving, time and project management and, of course, dealing with people.

Use Instant Lessons to supplement your existing resources, to extend student capabilities, for revision purposes, or for class work when the regular teacher is absent.

Topics Include:

  • Planning parties – costing food and drinks, space requirements, staff requirements
  • Staging an art exhibition – calculating revenue, costing catalogues, commission, sales
  • Television quiz shows – audience numbers, prizes, sponsorship
  • Organising a walkathon – sponsorship, consequences of bad weather
  • A soccer competition – planning and running functions, venue hire Managing a yachting event – safety, planning, equipment
  • Events for a cinema chain – marketing, advertising

Product Details

Secondary - Junior
Secondary - Middle
Instant Lessons

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