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Instant Lessons PowerPoint - Geography - Our Physical World


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PLEASE NOTE - PDF contains book content only. CD content, including PowerPoint presentations are not included with this download

This downloadable PDF resource is the accompanying notes and worksheets from the Instant Lessons Geography PowerPoint series that focuses on physical geography topics as they relate to Australia and its regional neighbours.

The unique characteristics of Australian landforms that were developed through gradational and tectonic forces are explored, as well as regional differences and weather patterns. Frontal, orographic and convectional rain formation types are explained in a series of animations. Worksheets about the water cycle, water-use patterns and the pressure of population on resources provide an up-to-date review of this important topic. 

The characteristics of local vegetation, soil profiles, soil fertility, salinity and their impact on agriculture are featured, as well as the impacts of natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, fire, flood, extreme weather events and disease epidemics.

Student worksheets have been designed so that they can be used in the classroom, or as homework, extension, assessment or revision.

Product Details

Secondary - Junior
Secondary - Middle
Instant Lessons

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