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Money Management 4 - Work, Wages and Tracking Expenses


About This PDF

The Money Management series will assist students to fully understand the skills of successfully managing their own finances, and making informed decisions about their lifestyles and their current and future needs. The units of work emphasise literacy and numeracy skills, making them ideal for the regular classroom as well as for less able students. 

The Work, wages and tracking expenses title explores different types of work arrangements and ways of getting paid. Emphasis is placed on casual employment issues, understanding rosters and managing personal finances. 

Topics Include:

  • Work values
  • Apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Different types of work
  • Deductions and income tax
  • Tracking expenses
  • Financial goals and saving
  • Employment agreements

and many more!

Product Details

Secondary - Junior
Secondary - Middle
PDHPE & Life Skills
Instant Lessons

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