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Natural Maths Strategies - Assessment Guide for Book 1


About This PDF

This is a companion downloadable PDF resource for Natural Maths Strategies downloadable PDF resource 1. This downloadable PDF resource provides the tools needed to make an informed and accurate assessment of individual student's level of mathematical competence. Annotated work samples, from students working with the Natural Maths Strategies program, illustrate how to interpret students' work for assessment purposes. 

The work samples presented in this downloadable PDF resource have been chosen to demonstrate just how much diagnostic information can be obtained from student work samples. Diagnostic in this sense does not only mean looking for weaknesses or areas needing more support. It also means identifying strengths and planning to build on them. Quite often there are some surprises too. A student may know more than anticipated and have interesting strategies that can be built on. Sometimes a student knows less than anticipated. They may appear to be working at a particular level but when questioned reveal that their knowledge or conceptual understanding is wobbly.

Through intensive interviews and annotation of work samples it is possible to make informed decisions about what to do next either for the whole class, a specific group or an individual student.

For example, we might ask:

  • Is the specific mathematical big idea involved being developed?
  • Are there any misconceptions that need to be worked on?
  • Is the intellectual level challenging enough or too challenging?

Answers to questions such as these point the way for future lessons

Product Details

Primary - Lower
Natural Maths Strategies

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