Trusted resources for teachers

Forensic Science for High Schools - Book 1


About This PDF

This downloadable PDF resource provides science teachers with easy-to-complete activities in the increasingly popular area of forensic science. Students will enjoy completing activities on topics such as the crime scene, searching for contact traces and examination of evidence in the forensic laboratory.

Each worksheet has been carefully designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop their scientific skills in areas such as data analysis, deduction and application of scientific theory, while maximising their enjoyment of science.

Each PDF in the ClassMasters series is a collection of worksheet activities providing Instant Lessons which may be printed for use by students.

They provide:

  • creative teaching ideas
  • greater interest
  • better understanding 
  • a fresh approach to lessons 
  • individual or group work
  • variety for home study

Product Details

Secondary - Middle
Instant Lessons

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