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Instant Lessons - Interpreting Data in Senior Chemistry


About This PDF

This senior secondary Chemistry downloadable PDF resource includes self-contained units of work that will assist students’ ability to read, describe, analyse, manipulate and interpret data. Students create diagrams, complete tables and form thoughtful written responses about topics such as mass analysis, infrared spectroscopy, electrolysis, desalination, and chemical equilibrium.

Each unit follows a stepped process that will ensure that students develop appropriate science method skills. Extended answers have been included to assist with marking and to promote a complete understanding of the topic.

Use the Instant Lessons to supplement your existing resources, to extend student capabilities, for revision purposes, or for class work when the regular teacher is absent.

Topics Include:

  • Gases in the atmosphere
  • The atmosphere and jet aircraft
  • Heat of combustion
  • Enthalpy changes and chemical reactions
  • Chemical equilibrium
  • Dissociation of some binary compounds
  • Extraction of copper metal from its ores
  • Infrared spectroscopy
  • Electrolysis and Michael Faraday
  • Dissociation, ions and water

Product Details

Secondary - Senior
Instant Lessons

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