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Legends of Science - Book 2


About This PDF

Legends of Science looks at the work of significant scientists through the ages, and covers the major scientific disciplines. Some of these scientists will be familiar, while others will be introduced to students for the first time. 

Students will discover how each of these people contributed to their field of endeavour, and the way their work impacts on our lives. Extension pages provide opportunities for students to analyse information and conduct research in the areas in which these scientists excelled. 

Legends of Science presents sets of guided questions and activities on a number of diverse topics suitable for Year 9 and 10 students. It is designed to inspire students to extend their understanding, ideas and vocabulary beyond the classroom lessons.

The Legends of Science worksheets have a number of uses:

  • Exercises for when the regular teacher is absent
  • Pre-testing or post-testing when particular topics are covered
  • Topic review and revision prior to examination
  • Exercises to motivate the disinterested student.
  • Helps Year 10 students choose their Senior Science subjects for matriculation

Each PDF in the Instant Lessons series is a collection of worksheet activities providing instant lessons that may be photocopied for use by students.

The lessons provide: 

  • creative teaching ideas 
  • greater interest
  • better understanding
  • a fresh approach to lessons 
  • individual or group work 
  • variety for home study

Use them to supplement your existing resources and to extend student experiences or for revision when the regular teacher is absent.

Product Details

Secondary - Middle
Instant Lessons

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